Slash Commands

Laracord comes with full support for application commands (slash commands) out of the box.

This includes automatically syncing changes you make to your command as well as re-registering it in the event that you bind it to a specific guild.


Do not attempt to use Laracord on the same bot token as an existing bot with application commands. Laracord will sync/cache slash commands on boot and will remove any commands that are not registered with Laracord.

Creating Slash Commands

Laracord has full support for slash commands out of the box. When a command is created, updated, or removed – the Discord application command repository is automatically updated.

Similar to creating a normal command, creating a slash command can be done using the laracord binary:

$ php laracord make:slash-command Example

A generated slash command in it's simplest form will look something like:


namespace App\SlashCommands;

use Laracord\Commands\SlashCommand;

class Example extends SlashCommand
     * The slash command name.
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'example';

     * The slash command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'The example slash command.';

     * Handle the slash command.
     * @param  \Discord\Parts\Interactions\Interaction  $interaction
     * @return void
    public function handle($interaction)
              ->content('Hello world!')

To only register a slash command to a specific guild/server, you may set the $guild property:

 * The guild the command belongs to.
 * @var string
protected $guild = 'your-guild-id';

Adding options to your slash command can be done by passing an array of options to the $options property or overriding the options() method.

Options can be specified as a raw array or by passing an array of DiscordPHP Option Parts:

use Discord\Parts\Interactions\Command\Option;

 * The slash command options.
 * @var array
protected $options = [
        'name' => 'message',
        'description' => 'Send a message through the bot.',
        'type' => Option::STRING,
        'required' => true,

 * The slash command options.
 * @return array
public function options()
    $option = new Option($this->discord());

    return [
          ->setDescription('Send a message through the bot')