
Laracord's Message component provides a powerful fluent syntax to send Discord messages to users and channels.

Basic Usage

When working in the context of Laracord, the Message component is almost always available using the $this->message() method.

In it's simplest form, message generally requires some form of content and a destination.

    ->message('Hello world!')

    ->message('Hello user!')

This gives you a sensibly styled embed with the username and avatar of your bot.

Simple Message

To send a plain message without an embed, you may pass your content to the ->body() method:

$message = $this
    ->body('Hello world!');

Direct Usage

When $this->message() is not available in your class, you can typically access and make Message directly:

use Laracord\Discord\Message;

$message = Message::make()->content('Hello world!');

Available Methods


Set the title of the embed:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


Set the content of the embed. This can be used instead of passing content to message directly:

$message = $this
    ->content('Hello world!');


By default, this is the username of your bot application.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


By default, this is the avatar of your bot application.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


This determines whether your message is a TTS message.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


By default, Laracord sends embeds using ->success() which provides a green border color.

This can be overriden by passing a color in decimal directly to ->color() or by using the other available color helper methods:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


The embed footer can contain text as well as an icon.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->footerText('Sent by Laracord')


The thumbnail URL appears as a medium-sized image to the right of the embed.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


The image URL appears as a large-sized image inside of the embed.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


The timestamp appears at the bottom of the embed and is shown to the user in their local time.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


The embed author is shown at the top of the embed. By default, Laracord set's the authorName and authorIcon to the bot's username and avatar.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


Fields consist of groups of data represented by a label and value. By default, they are inline with Discord showing up to 3 fields per line.

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->field('Field 1', 'Value 1')
    ->field('Field 2', 'Value 2');

To pass a group of fields, you can use the ->fields() method:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
        'Field 1' => 'Value 1',
        'Field 2' => 'Value 2',

To prevent a field from being inline, you can pass inline: false like so:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->field('Field 1', 'Value 1')
    ->field('Field 2', 'Value 2', inline: false);

You can also conditionally display a field:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->field('Field 1', 'Value 1')
    ->field('Field 2', 'Value 2', hidden: true);


Attaching a file to your message can be done using raw content or by passing a path:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->file('Lorem ipsum...', 'lorem.txt');

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')


Buttons are shown at the bottom of your message and can consist of URL's or interactions. Laracord tries to make both easy to use.

Link Button

A button in it's simplest form would be a link button and consists of a simple label and URL value:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->button('Visit Laracord', '');

When working with a link button, you also have the option of passing an emoji:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->button('Visit Laracord', '', emoji: '💻');

When using a custom emoji from a server your bot is in, you will have to pass the emoji along with it's internal ID.


An easy way to obtain this as a string is to escape the emoji in a Discord chat message. \:laracord: would return <:laracord:1204740745286656050> containing the string needed.

Once you obtain the emoji ID, you can then pass it to emoji as a string:

$message = $this
    ->message('Hello world!')
    ->button('Visit Laracord', '', emoji: ':laracord:1204740745286656050');


Interactions allow you to have the bot respond or perform an action when a button is clicked. This can be achieved by passing an Interaction callback as the button's value instead of a string:

use Discord\Parts\Interactions\Interaction;

$message = $this
    ->message('Say hello!')
    ->button('Hello', fn (Interaction $interaction) => $interaction->respondWithMessage(
        $this->message('Well hello to you!')->build(),
        ephemeral: true
    ), emoji: '👋');

In the example above, we respond to the interaction as well as set ephemeral to true to ensure the button can only be interacted with a single time.

When working with buttons that resolve interactions, you also have the option of changing the button style.

The available options are primary (default), secondary, success, and danger:

use Discord\Parts\Interactions\Interaction;

$message = $this
    ->message('Say hello!')
    ->button('Hello', fn (Interaction $interaction) => $interaction->respondWithMessage(
        $this->message('Well hello to you!')->build(),
        ephemeral: true
    ), emoji: '👋', style: 'success');